Western Sydney Cycling Network
est 2007
20 May 2020
Hi members,
The Ride Leaders and Committee have restructured our club's rides moving forward.
Taking into consideration multiple aspects to our comeback we have decided:
We will not resume Thursday rides until we are able to ride in groups of 20. We believe this date to be from 15 June.
The rides will be split into 2 groups if we exceed 20 people. We will be riding the same route and coffee shop, leaving 30 mins apart.
We believe this will be for approx 4 weeks, until mid July, where we will be permitted to ride in groups of 100.
As not everyone is on Facebook where we could 'create events', we will instead have an email booking system. We ask that you email in your desire to ride to thursdayrides@gmail.com anytime during the week with a cut off time of 4pm on the Wednesday. In the email you MUST add your current phone number.
We will then return an email by 6pm ish telling you if you are to leave at 9am or 9.30am.
By sending your email it will be taken that you agree to our normal Club rules as well as our additional COVID-19 rules:
Our ride numbers will be limited to 20. You MUST let us know if you are attending via email.
We will take a roll-call of riders attending, as we will not be signing the sign on sheets.
Please do not attend if you are sick, have cold or flu symptoms etc and let us know if you are not attending if you have previously registered for the ride.
Riders are strongly encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.
Social distancing during any stops including meeting point, catch-ups, even stationary at lights must be maintained.
No clearing of nasal/ respiratory secretions while riding & bring your own tissues.
Riders need to be aware that by participating on a ride this includes verbal consent for contact details from ride log to be provided to NSW public health officers undertaking contract tracing if a person on the ride tests later tests positive.
Please bring your own snacks. We will be stopping for coffee although we do not except to be seated. Please note that some cafes may not accept cash —they may be card only.
We will meet and start our rides outside in the car park. The hall's toilet facilities will be available but we will not be gathering inside the gates.
Our first Thursday ride will be 18 June to Carnes Hill.
Ladies Rides: As we have had no Ladies rides this year, we are attempting to hold a ride on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Until mid June we will limit the number to 10 people only (members only). After we will be able to take groups of up to 20.
Saturday rides: Doug and Joe/Diane will continue to send out their rides as normal. Where there is more than 10, the groups will be split into 2.
Community Rides: There will be no Community Rides until further notice.
Hope everyone is well and will be back riding with us.
kind regards,
Committee and Ride Leaders